Drug Information
Drug General Information | |||||
Drug ID |
Former ID |
Drug Name |
Synonyms |
Anapral; Anaprel; Apolon; Apoterin; Cartric; Cinamine; Cinatabs; Cinnaloid; Cinnasil; Moderil; Normorescina; Paresinan; Raupyrol; Raurescin; Raurescine; Recinnamine; Recitensina; Rescaloid; Rescamin; Rescidan; Rescin; Rescinamina; Rescinnamin; Rescinnamina; Rescinnaminum; Rescinpal; Rescisan; Rescitens; Resealoid; Reserpinene; Reserpinin; Reserpinine; Resipal; Reskinnamin; Rozex; Scinnamina; Tenamine; Tuareg; Apoterin S; Methyl trimethoxycinnamoylreserpate; Rescinnamina [DCIT]; Trimethoxy cinnamoyl reserpate de methyl; Trimethoxy cinnamoyl reserpate de methyl [French]; Trimethoxycinnamoyl methyl reserpate; Tsuruselpi S; Anaprel (TN); Cinnasil (TN); Moderil (TN); NP-011016; Rescinamina [INN-Spanish]; Rescinnamine (VAN); Rescinnaminum [INN-Latin]; Resepinine (C35 alkaloid); Reserpinine (C35 alkaloid); Reserpinine (VAN); Tsuruselpi S (TN); Rescinnamine (JAN/INN); Rescinnamine [BAN:INN:JAN]; Methyl reserpate 3,4,5-trimethoxycinnamic acid ester; Reserpic acid methyl ester 3,4,5-trimethoxycinnamate; Methyl 18-O-(3,4,5-trimethoxycinnamoyl)reserpate; O-(3,4,5-Trimethoxy-trans-cinnamoyl) methyl reserpate; 3,4,5-Trimethoxycinnamic acid, methyl reserpate; 3,4,5-Trimethoxycinnamoyl methyl reserpate; 3,4,5-Trimethylcinnamic acid, ester with methyl reserpate; 3,4,5-Trimethylcinnamoyl methyl reserpate
Drug Type |
Small molecular drug
Therapeutic Class |
Antihypertensive Agents
Structure |
![]() |
Download2D MOL |
Formula |
InChI |
InChIKey |
CAS Number |
CAS 24815-24-5
PubChem Compound ID | |||||
PubChem Substance ID |
8770, 79429, 597356, 7847266, 8138008, 8616456, 10321534, 14789939, 39289912, 46530467, 47515483, 47515484, 47662471, 47885571, 48035309, 48334675, 48416513, 48424034, 49698557, 49855219, 56463114, 57357943, 75304571, 85789351, 85789400, 92125322, 95156792, 103636520, 103914025, 121362993, 124800786, 134338187, 134995503, 135727524, 137003688, 137241862, 141909708, 164814309, 178103676, 179116876, 184547043, 198962755, 226542531, 241044490, 251895606, 252356449
SuperDrug ATC ID |
SuperDrug CAS ID |
Target and Pathway | |||||
Target(s) | Angiotensin-converting enzyme | Target Info | Inhibitor | [536173] | |
PathWhiz Pathway | Angiotensin Metabolism | ||||
References | |||||
Ref 538435 | FDA Approved Drug Products from FDA Official Website. 2009. Application Number: (NDA) 010686. | ||||
Ref 542104 | (http://www.guidetopharmacology.org/) Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Oct 12. pii: gkv1037. The IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY in 2016: towards curated quantitative interactions between 1300 protein targets and 6000 ligands. (Ligand id: 7098). |
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