Target Validation Information
Target ID T92521
Target Name Cytochrome P450 1B1
Target Type
Clinical Trial
Drug Potency against Target 3-[2-(3,5-Dimethoxy-phenyl)-vinyl]-furan Drug Info IC50 = 2100 nM [526231]
2-[2-(3,5-Dimethoxy-phenyl)-vinyl]-thiophene Drug Info IC50 = 2 nM [526231]
4-[2-(3,5-Dimethoxy-phenyl)-vinyl]-pyridine Drug Info IC50 = 460 nM [526231]
ISOSAKUTANETIN Drug Info IC50 = 1024 nM [531094]
CHRYSIN Drug Info IC50 = 24 nM [531094]
NARINGENIN Drug Info IC50 = 3656 nM [531094]
ISORHAMNETIN Drug Info IC50 = 17 nM [531094]
TAMARIXETIN Drug Info IC50 = 20 nM [531094]
KAEMPFEROL Drug Info IC50 = 47 nM [531094]
APIGENIN Drug Info IC50 = 25 nM [531094]
DIOSMETIN Drug Info IC50 = 29 nM [531094]
GALANGIN Drug Info IC50 = 25 nM [531094]
KAEMPFERIDE Drug Info IC50 = 25 nM [531094]
PINOCEMBRIN Drug Info IC50 = 1679 nM [531094]
CHRYSOERIOL Drug Info IC50 = 20 nM [531094]
ERIODICTYOL Drug Info IC50 = 1284 nM [531094]
HOMOERIODICTYOL Drug Info IC50 = 1716 nM [531094]
ACACETIN Drug Info IC50 = 12 nM [531094]
N-(2,4-Dimethoxy-phenyl)-3,5-dimethoxy-benzamide Drug Info IC50 = 670 nM [526231]
TRISMETHOXYRESVERATROL Drug Info IC50 = 790 nM [526231]
Ref 526231J Med Chem. 2002 Jan 3;45(1):160-4.Design, synthesis, and discovery of novel trans-stilbene analogues as potent and selective human cytochrome P450 1B1 inhibitors.
Ref 526231J Med Chem. 2002 Jan 3;45(1):160-4.Design, synthesis, and discovery of novel trans-stilbene analogues as potent and selective human cytochrome P450 1B1 inhibitors.
Ref 526231J Med Chem. 2002 Jan 3;45(1):160-4.Design, synthesis, and discovery of novel trans-stilbene analogues as potent and selective human cytochrome P450 1B1 inhibitors.
Ref 531094Bioorg Med Chem. 2010 Sep 1;18(17):6310-5. Epub 2010 Jul 13.Selective inhibition of methoxyflavonoids on human CYP1B1 activity.
Ref 531094Bioorg Med Chem. 2010 Sep 1;18(17):6310-5. Epub 2010 Jul 13.Selective inhibition of methoxyflavonoids on human CYP1B1 activity.
Ref 531094Bioorg Med Chem. 2010 Sep 1;18(17):6310-5. Epub 2010 Jul 13.Selective inhibition of methoxyflavonoids on human CYP1B1 activity.
Ref 531094Bioorg Med Chem. 2010 Sep 1;18(17):6310-5. Epub 2010 Jul 13.Selective inhibition of methoxyflavonoids on human CYP1B1 activity.
Ref 531094Bioorg Med Chem. 2010 Sep 1;18(17):6310-5. Epub 2010 Jul 13.Selective inhibition of methoxyflavonoids on human CYP1B1 activity.
Ref 531094Bioorg Med Chem. 2010 Sep 1;18(17):6310-5. Epub 2010 Jul 13.Selective inhibition of methoxyflavonoids on human CYP1B1 activity.
Ref 531094Bioorg Med Chem. 2010 Sep 1;18(17):6310-5. Epub 2010 Jul 13.Selective inhibition of methoxyflavonoids on human CYP1B1 activity.
Ref 531094Bioorg Med Chem. 2010 Sep 1;18(17):6310-5. Epub 2010 Jul 13.Selective inhibition of methoxyflavonoids on human CYP1B1 activity.
Ref 531094Bioorg Med Chem. 2010 Sep 1;18(17):6310-5. Epub 2010 Jul 13.Selective inhibition of methoxyflavonoids on human CYP1B1 activity.
Ref 531094Bioorg Med Chem. 2010 Sep 1;18(17):6310-5. Epub 2010 Jul 13.Selective inhibition of methoxyflavonoids on human CYP1B1 activity.
Ref 531094Bioorg Med Chem. 2010 Sep 1;18(17):6310-5. Epub 2010 Jul 13.Selective inhibition of methoxyflavonoids on human CYP1B1 activity.
Ref 531094Bioorg Med Chem. 2010 Sep 1;18(17):6310-5. Epub 2010 Jul 13.Selective inhibition of methoxyflavonoids on human CYP1B1 activity.
Ref 531094Bioorg Med Chem. 2010 Sep 1;18(17):6310-5. Epub 2010 Jul 13.Selective inhibition of methoxyflavonoids on human CYP1B1 activity.
Ref 531094Bioorg Med Chem. 2010 Sep 1;18(17):6310-5. Epub 2010 Jul 13.Selective inhibition of methoxyflavonoids on human CYP1B1 activity.
Ref 531094Bioorg Med Chem. 2010 Sep 1;18(17):6310-5. Epub 2010 Jul 13.Selective inhibition of methoxyflavonoids on human CYP1B1 activity.
Ref 526231J Med Chem. 2002 Jan 3;45(1):160-4.Design, synthesis, and discovery of novel trans-stilbene analogues as potent and selective human cytochrome P450 1B1 inhibitors.
Ref 526231J Med Chem. 2002 Jan 3;45(1):160-4.Design, synthesis, and discovery of novel trans-stilbene analogues as potent and selective human cytochrome P450 1B1 inhibitors.

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