TTD Database Downloads
Download TTD targets information in raw format Click to Save
Download TTD drug information in raw format Click to Save
Cross-matching ID between TTD drugs and public databases Click to Save
Synonyms of drugs and small molecules in TTD Click to Save
Drug to disease mapping with ICD identifiers Click to Save
Target to disease mapping with ICD identifiers Click to Save
Target to drug mapping with mode of action Click to Save
Biomarker to disease mapping with ICD identifiers Click to Save
Target to compound mapping with activity data Click to Save
Target Information Downloads
Download Uniprot IDs for all targets Click To Save
=> Download Uniprot IDs for successful targets only Click To Save
=> Download Uniprot IDs for clinical trial targets only Click To Save
=> Download Uniprot IDs for patented targets only Click To Save
=> Download Uniprot IDs for research targets only Click To Save
Download sequence data for all targets Click To Save
=> Download sequence data for successful targets only Click To Save
=> Download sequence data for clinical trial targets only Click To Save
=> Download sequence data for patented targets only Click To Save
=> Download sequence data for research targets only Click To Save
Drug Structure Downloads
Download structure data for all drugs in SDF format Click To Save
=> Download structure data for approved drugs only Click To Save
=> Download structure data for clinical trial drugs only Click To Save
=> Download structure data for patented drugs only Click To Save
=> Download structure data for experimental agents only Click To Save
=> Download biologic drug sequences in raw format Click To Save
=> Download SMILES and InChI for approved drugs Click To Save
Pathway Information Downloads
Download KEGG pathway data for all targets Click To Save
=> Download KEGG pathway data for successful targets only Click To Save
=> Download KEGG pathway data for clinical trial targets only Click To Save
=> Download KEGG pathway data for patented targets only Click To Save
=> Download KEGG pathway data for research targets only Click To Save
Download Wiki pathway data for all targets Click To Save
=> Download Wiki pathway data for successful targets only Click To Save
=> Download Wiki pathway data for clinical trial targets only Click To Save
=> Download Wiki pathway data for patented targets only Click To Save
=> Download Wiki pathway data for research targets only Click To Save
Drug Combinations Downloads
Pharmacodynamically synergistic drug combinations due to anti-counteractive actions Click To Save
Pharmacodynamically synergistic drug combinations due to complementary actions Click To Save
Pharmacodynamically synergistic drug combinations due to facilitating actions Click To Save
Pharmacodynamically additive drug combinations Click To Save
Pharmacodynamically antagonistic drug combinations Click To Save
Pharmacokinetically potentiative drug combinations Click To Save
Pharmacokinetically reductive drug combinations Click To Save
Last update by
November 8th, 2021

If You Find Any Error in Data or Bug in Web Service, Please Kindly Report It to Dr. Zhou and Dr. Zhang.