Target Validation Information
Target ID T78111
Target Name Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor
Target Type
Drug Potency against Target Dianicline Drug Info Ki = 42900 nM [552798]
Nicotine Drug Info Ki = 19.4 nM [552407]
PROTOSTEMODIOL Drug Info IC50 = 10000 nM [529235]
Ref 552798Low molecular weight inhibitors of the protease anthrax lethal factor. Mini Rev Med Chem. 2008 Mar;8(3):290-306.
Ref 552407Receptor binding thermodynamics at the neuronal nicotinic receptor. Curr Top Med Chem. 2004;4(3):361-8.
Ref 529235J Nat Prod. 2008 Jan;71(1):112-6. Epub 2007 Dec 29.Alkaloids from stems and leaves of Stemona japonica and their insecticidal activities.

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