Target General Information
Target ID T92687
Target Name Hydrogen potassium ATPase
Target Type Successful
Gene Name ATP4A
Biochemical Class Hydrolases (EC:3)
Target Gene Expression Profiles in the Disease-Relevant Drug Targeted Tissue of the Patients and Healthy Individuals
Disease Eosinophilic gastritis
Example drug AZD-0865 Phase 2 [521710], [1572592]
Tissue Gastric antrum tissue
Level of differential expression between the patients in the disease section of the tissue and the patients in the normal section of the tissue adjacent to the disease section Fold-change: -0.88
Z-score: -0.44
P-value: 7.17E-01
Target gene expression profiles of the patients in the disease section of the tissue
Target gene expression profiles of the patients in the normal section of the tissue adjacent to the disease section
Disease Ulcerative colitis
Example drug LEMINOPRAZOLE Discontinued in Preregistration [544691], [1572592]
Tissue Colon mucosal tissue
Level of differential expression between the patients in the disease section of the tissue and the patients in the normal section of the tissue adjacent to the disease section Fold-change: 0.08
Z-score: 0.38
P-value: 2.18E-01
Target gene expression profiles of the patients in the disease section of the tissue
Target gene expression profiles in the tissue of the persons with other diseases not directly affecting the tissue
Target gene expression profiles in the tissue of healthy individual
Target Gene Expression Profiles in Other Tissues of Healthy Individuals
Ref 544691Trusted, scientifically sound profiles of drug programs, clinical trials, safety reports, and company deals, written by scientists. Springer. 2015. Adis Insight (drug id 800000604)
Ref (NCT00206284) A Dose-finding Phase IIb Study With AZD0865 and Esomeprazole in GERD Patients Without Erosive Esophagitis.. U.S. National Institutes of Health.
Ref 1572592NCBI GEO: archive for functional genomics data sets--update.

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