Target General Infomation
Target ID
Former ID
Target Name
Gene Name
DNA topoisomerase 1; DNA topoisomerase I; TOP1
Target Type
Clinical Trial
Disease Advanced ovarian cancer; Lung cancer [ICD9:183, 162; ICD10: C56, C33-C34]
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia [ICD9: 204.0, 556; ICD10: C91.0]
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome [ICD9: 42; ICD10: B20]
Breast cancer [ICD9: 174, 175; ICD10: C50]
Bladder cancer [ICD9: 188; ICD10: C67]
Colorectal cancer [ICD9: 153, 154; ICD10: C18-C21]
Cancer [ICD9: 140-229; ICD10: C00-C96]
Esophageal cancer [ICD9: 150; ICD10: C15]
Gastric cancer [ICD9: 151; ICD10: C16]
Glioblastoma multiforme; Myelodysplastic syndrome [ICD9:191, 238.7; ICD10: C71, D46]
Human immunodeficiency virus infection [ICD9: 279.3; ICD10: B20-B26]
Lymphoma [ICD9: 202.8, 208.9; ICD10: C81-C86]
Late-stage solid tumors [ICD9: 140-199, 210-229; ICD10: C00-C75, C7A, C7B, D10-D36, D3A]
Metastatic breast cancer; Metastatic colorectal cancer [ICD9:153, 154; ICD10: C50, C18-C21]
Metastatic breast cancer [ICD10: C50]
Ovarian cancer [ICD9: 183; ICD10: C56]
Solid tumours [ICD9: 140-199, 210-229; ICD10: C00-D48]
Unspecified [ICD code not available]
Releases the supercoiling and torsional tension of DNA introduced during the DNA replication and transcription by transiently cleaving and rejoining one strand of the DNA duplex. Introduces a single-strand break via transesterification at a target site in duplex DNA. The scissile phosphodiester is attacked by the catalytic tyrosine of the enzyme, resulting in the formation of a DNA-(3'-phosphotyrosyl)-enzyme intermediate and the expulsion ofa 5'-OH DNA strand. The free DNA strand then undergoes passage around the unbroken strand thus removing DNA supercoils. Finally, in the religation step, the DNA 5'-OH attacks the covalent intermediate to expel the active-site tyrosine and restore the DNA phosphodiester backbone (By similarity). Regulates the alternative splicing of tissue factor (F3) pre-mRNA in endothelial cells. .
BioChemical Class
DNA topoisomerase
UniProt ID
EC Number
1A31; 1A35; 1A36; 1EJ9; 1K4S; 1K4T; 1LPQ; 1NH3; 1R49; 1RR8; 1RRJ; 1SC7; 1SEU; 1T8I; 1TL8
Drugs and Mode of Action
Drug(s) Camptothecin Drug Info Phase 3 Solid tumours [528447]
Edotecarin Drug Info Phase 3 Gastric cancer [527575]
Etirinotecan pegol Drug Info Phase 3 Metastatic breast cancer [523725]
Exatecan Drug Info Phase 3 Solid tumours [521494]
Karenitecin Drug Info Phase 3 Advanced ovarian cancer; Lung cancer [522031]
Rubitecan Drug Info Phase 3 Human immunodeficiency virus infection [521474]
9-AMINOCAMPTOTHECIN Drug Info Phase 2 Acquired immune deficiency syndrome [521423]
Anthracycline Drug Info Phase 2 Solid tumours [526964]
AR-67 Drug Info Phase 2 Glioblastoma multiforme; Myelodysplastic syndrome [523046]
Beta-Lapachone Drug Info Phase 2 Solid tumours [526407]
CRLX101 Drug Info Phase 2 Late-stage solid tumors [524225]
DIFLOMOTECAN Drug Info Phase 2 Solid tumours [521592]
EQ-917 Drug Info Phase 2 Cancer [532274]
Gimatecan Drug Info Phase 2 Breast cancer [532152]
LE-SN38 Drug Info Phase 2 Colorectal cancer [532503]
PEG-SN38 Drug Info Phase 2 Metastatic breast cancer; Metastatic colorectal cancer [522902], [532503]
Pegamotecan Drug Info Phase 2 Esophageal cancer [521591]
Polyglutamate camptothecin Drug Info Phase 2 Solid tumours [521802]
SN-38 Drug Info Phase 2 Cancer [532503], [541970]
TLC-388 Drug Info Phase 2 Solid tumours [534814]
XR-5000 Drug Info Phase 2 Colorectal cancer [526364]
ABI-011 Drug Info Phase 1 Solid tumours [523113]
Afeletecan Drug Info Phase 1 Breast cancer [547154]
CZ-48 Drug Info Phase 1 Cancer [522742]
Daniquidone Drug Info Phase 1 Lymphoma [521991]
DRF-1042 Drug Info Phase 1 Solid tumours [547222]
ELOMOTECAN HYDROCHLORIDE Drug Info Phase 1 Solid tumours [523624]
Genz-644282 Drug Info Phase 1 Solid tumours [522733]
GZ402674 Drug Info Phase 1 Solid tumours [549434]
INTOPLICINE Drug Info Phase 1 Solid tumours [521454]
MLN-576 Drug Info Phase 1 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia [526301]
Namitecan Drug Info Phase 1 Solid tumours [524157]
Tafluposide Drug Info Phase 1 Cancer [547025]
XMT-1001 Drug Info Phase 1 Solid tumours [521999]
(S)-DRF-1042 Drug Info Clinical trial Bladder cancer [543018]
BECATECARIN Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 3 Solid tumours [549905]
Atiratecan Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Colorectal cancer [548306]
Lurtotecan Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Ovarian cancer [545826]
S-16020-2 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Solid tumours [545682]
DE-310 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 1 Cancer [547221]
BE-13793C Drug Info Terminated Cancer [545869]
BN-80245 Drug Info Terminated Cancer [546946]
CZ-112 Drug Info Terminated Solid tumours [546939]
ED-110 Drug Info Terminated Cancer [545230]
PIROXANTRONE Drug Info Terminated Cancer [545671]
TAN-1496 Drug Info Terminated Cancer [545717]
Inhibitor (S)-DRF-1042 Drug Info [543672]
9-AMINOCAMPTOTHECIN Drug Info [525970]
A35566-A Drug Info [543672]
Afeletecan Drug Info [544231]
AR-67 Drug Info [532769]
ATI-1150 Drug Info [543672]
Atiratecan Drug Info [531647]
BN-80245 Drug Info [551651]
CZ-112 Drug Info [525971]
CZ-48 Drug Info [525971]
DE-310 Drug Info [527636]
DIFLOMOTECAN Drug Info [529845]
DRF-1042 Drug Info [525970], [527487]
DTS-108 Drug Info [543672]
Edotecarin Drug Info [527575]
EQ-917 Drug Info [530982]
Etirinotecan pegol Drug Info [532960]
Exatecan Drug Info [526228]
Genz-644282 Drug Info [531401]
Gimatecan Drug Info [532255]
IDN-5174 Drug Info [543672]
IDN-6384 Drug Info [543672]
Karenitecin Drug Info [525703]
LE-SN38 Drug Info [532122]
Lurtotecan Drug Info [543672]
MEN-14295 Drug Info [543672]
Namitecan Drug Info [531937]
PEG-SN38 Drug Info [532064]
Pegamotecan Drug Info [529412]
Polyglutamate camptothecin Drug Info [528447]
Rubitecan Drug Info [527937]
TLC-388 Drug Info [534814]
XMT-1001 Drug Info [531833]
Modulator ABI-011 Drug Info
Anthracycline Drug Info
BE-13793C Drug Info
BECATECARIN Drug Info [1572591]
Beta-Lapachone Drug Info [526407]
Camptothecin Drug Info [528447]
CRISNATOL MESILATE Drug Info [1572605]
CRLX101 Drug Info
Daniquidone Drug Info
ED-110 Drug Info [525422]
GZ402674 Drug Info [543672]
MLN-576 Drug Info [526301]
S-16020-2 Drug Info
SN-38 Drug Info
Tafluposide Drug Info [526671]
TAN-1496 Drug Info [533845]
TH-1320 Drug Info [543672]
XR-5000 Drug Info [526364]
Stimulator SER-203 Drug Info [543672]
Target Expression Profile (TEP) and Drug Resistance Mutation (DRM)
NetPath Pathway IL2 Signaling Pathway
PANTHER Pathway DNA replication
Pathway Interaction Database Caspase Cascade in Apoptosis
WikiPathways Integrated Pancreatic Cancer Pathway
Ref (NCT00001427) A Phase II Trial of 72-Hour Continuous IV Infusion of 9-Aminocamptothecin With G-CSF Support in Patients With Advanced Ovarian Cancer Previously Treated With Paclitaxel and Cisplatin. U.S. National Institutes of Health.
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